Monday, August 25, 2014

A Wonderous Gift

I really need to thank whoever sent me this gift. I was your average joe; going to college,dating my girlfriend, and loving my job. Until one day I get a medalion in the mail with some clothes in a box. I picked up the clothes to examine them and then I felt a sharp prick in my hand. I thought it was nothing but took a look at the medalion which was glowing. In the midst of the glowing, my body began to stretch and grow in many different ways. It felt like my bones were being broken inside of me. Long brown hair cascaded down my back, my lips became plump, and I felt a sudden softness in my chest and butt along with my skin. After the glow subsided and the pain in my face had stopped, I looked in awe of how beautiful I looked. It's been a month since my transformation had changed my life. My girlfriend has now been known as my best friend and she has been a very good one while helping me transotion. Now, who wants to take a dip in the pool with me?

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